Leadership Team

Sr. No. Name of the Officer Designation
1 Smt. Manisha Verma I.A.S. Additional Chief Secretary
2 Srinivas Shastri Joint Secretary
3 Shri Manoj Jadhav Joint Secretary
4 Shri.Manjusha Karande Deputy Secretary
5 Shri.Ravindra Mathapati Officer on Special Duty
6 Shri.Sushma Parab-Officer Officer on Special Duty
7 Shri Pranali Gosavi Under Secretary
8 Shri Bhaskar Bansode Under Secretary
9 Shri. Mithun Salunkhe Desk officer
10 Shri. Pradeep Sivatare Desk officer
11 Shri. Mangala Shivlakar Desk officer
12 Shri Vinod Chaudhary Desk officer
13 Shri. Amey Gawde Desk officer
14 Shri.Jitendra Pakale Desk officer